Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Guitars of OKen Part I

I have owned 56 guitars in my lifetime. I currently own 6.  These may be close to my favourite 6 that I have owned...close.
You may be thinking "OKen, what the hell? You make zero freaking dollars, how could you have owned 56? LIES!"
Nope. Many I have traded for others, some were dirt-ass cheap, others I was stupid and bought them when I had no business doing so. I'm going to talk about them because I want to. It makes me happy, and Sheryl Crow says it can't be that bad.

I do not have pics for the first few, but I will for most. I will start chronological, then perhaps go by brand...let's see how it turns out.

Guitar #1 Del Rey Strat copy.

This was the guitar I learned to play on. I bought it from my friend Tom Swietlik in, I think, freshman or sophomore year in HS.  I purchased it for $25...all in one dollar bills. It was an electric, I had no amp, and no case. I would take the bus to Tom's house so he can teach me chords. I used a garbage bag as a case. If I had a DeLorean, I would go back in time and punch me. My buddy Len Mandro took it apart and painted it green...because I am dumb.

 Guitar #2 Some jackass homemade Les Paul Copy.

My parents got this and a homemade amp from this small electronics store on Irving Park 2 doors down from the Patio Theater. This place sold car stereos and 4 guitars. Some guy made them. They were under the tree at Christmas and I went nuts. I knew enough how to play, so this was a good upgrade for me.  I used that guitar for quite a few years when I first started playing in bands. It served me well. Needless to say Guitar 1 and 2 are long gone.

Guitar #3 The Epiphone SG (don't worry, I'm not doing a paragraph on all 56, just the important ones)

The first decent guitar I had. I saved up $315 dollars. That's how much it cost...crazy. It was a weird one because it had a Gibson shaped headstock with Ephiphone in Gibson font labeled on said headstock. I remember when I finally had all the money, I had to wait until the next Friday until I could get it and it's ALL I thought about...still wish I had that one.

Guitar #4 The Gibson SG

1980s White SG. I was an SG man (still am), played the shit out of that one. It kinda wore down at the end.

Guitar #5 Gibson Les Paul Studio

Black w/gold hardware. This is when I realized that I did not like gold hardware. That goddamn thing played like a wet dream. THICK!

Guitar # 6 Squire Stratocaster

It was like $150. Lent it to someone for like 5 years, then used it for a wedding in Vegas, then it fell apart. I still have the neck.

I then started trading things in...

Guitar #7 Epiphone BB King Lucille

I got this one and Guitar # 8 by trading in my two SGs. I was in the mood, I wanted something new. This was a beautiful guitar, but I never really played it. It sounded ok, not great.

Guitar #8 Texas Lone Star Strat

My first Fender...used this for a LOT of gigs for a long time...PIC!!!!

Well that takes you through the early OKen years! Next comes a whirlwind of guitars coming in and out! Stay tuned for Part II!

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