Thursday, December 17, 2009

Album of the Week 12/17/09

Ah…an underrated classic, Manic Frustration, by Trouble. I first heard the song “Memory’s Garden” on a local hard rock station in 1991. I can’t remember which. I heard it was Trouble, and went to by the lp. I was not disappointed.

Here is the Wikipedia entry on them..Chicago boys!!!

After a couple of independent albums, they got with Rick Rubin, basically the Ultimate Producer in the late 80s early 90s and whipped out this classic.
Me and my buddy Dan would always wonder why this album was not a smash hit for them. It has all you want in Heavy Metal, along with some wild psychedelia! Unfortunately I can’t post any songs on my playlist because is VERY limited in what you can find. I will remedy that in the future. If you are a metal nut, just trust me and go and get this album!!!

Now on to the songs!
1. Come Touch the Sky- Starts off the lp with a riffin’ bang!!!! I love the fact that they go with the fuzz type distortion for the most part. Classic metal structuring here!
2. ‘Scuse Me- This jam starts as though it is being heard from a faraway, poor reception, half broken, AM radio, then kicks you in the face as it kicks in proper. TBJ all the way!
3. The Sleeper- No rest here. All riffs. All jams.
4. Fear-The singing through the megaphone effect done to perfection here. Fuzzy, wah-wah, loud. A must listen! I love that they can put in a totally melodic bridge amidst the crunch!
5. Rain- Time to break it up with a ballad. I LOVE this song. I think that every song entitled “Rain” is good. Uriah Heep, The Beatles…….other bands…..
6. Tragedy Man-False start acoustic opening into hard ass riff…the way to my heart. I’m easy that way. Take me to dinner, have your way with me….
7. Memory’s Garden- The one that started it all for me. A perfect blend of 60s/70s psychadelia and Heavy Metal. Impossible to listen to if you don’t have a volume control that goes past 6…(and who would have that anyway?)
8. Manic Frustration-The title cut is a solid number. Ironically one of the weaker tunes here, but still a good one
9. Hello Strawberry Skies- Flowery 60s hippie title…complete TBJ. Nuff Said.
10. Mr. White-This could have fallen into the “Should have been a #1 Hit” category. A good solid groove.
11. Breathe- An epic ballad that goes right into the coda for Donovan’s “Atlantis”. Fucking awesome.

Go and find this album and buy it now. Crank it loud and make your cats hide. Maker your significant other ask you to turn it down, and you say…no.

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