Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Should Have Been a Number One Hit

Sometimes you listen to songs that rule so much in a pop sense, and you think. “Why wasn’t this a #1 hit?” Most of the time the songs had zero radio airplay. I have compiled a partial list of songs that I put in the “Should have been a #1 Hit” category. I will periodically post more as I think of them, but start out with these!

1. So Sad About Us: The Who-This is from the album A Quick One. Not even a hit, just a catchy-ass tune that you NEVER forget!!!!

2. Perfect: Alice Cooper- This is from the 2005 lp Dirty Diamonds. Just one listen and you will be confused that it was not on the Billboard charts!

3. Between Heaven and Hell: Zakk Wylde- This is from the 1999 gem, Book of Shadows. If you don’t have this lp, find it. Mostly acoustic with jammin’ solos, this leadoff track is the stuff of Allmans!

4. Come On: Whitesnake- From the appropriately titled Whitesnake album. A pure harder edged pop ditty…yes, I said ditty!

5. Feelings: Uriah Heep-From the 1980 album, Conquest. No one bought it. They were on there 3rd singer. It sounded nothing like they did before. The rest of the album is….questionable, but there is no doubt that this is a toe-tapper..80s style!

6. Too Young To Know: UFO-Virtually ALL of UFO’s songs should have been # 1 hits! This is one that didn’t get even that much FM airplay. This is form the album Phenomenon.

7. I Only Want My Love to Grow In You: Strawbs- From the lp Deep Cuts in 1976. This actually did get radio airplay but did not chart well. It should have. You can’t get more poppy than this!

8. We All Die Young: Steel Dragon- Yeah, they aren’t a real band, they are the band in the movie “Rockstar” with Mark Wahlberg, but Goddammit, they did it right here! This would have been a big hit in the 80s with the rest of the hair metal!

9. I’ll Be Your Sister: Motorhead- From the lp Overkill, you will disagree with me, you are wrong. This should have been a #1 hit!

10. I’m In Disgrace: The Kinks- From the VERY overlooked lp, Schoolboys in Disgrace. Yeah, they already have a shitload of hits, but this one got by everybody!

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